At the first Gathering of Women of CHE in San Buenaventura, Boaco (2006) Lidia, Miriam, and Leana (left to right) acted out the following story of their CHE group at work:
There was a woman in the community living an isolated life in a home back in the fields, away from the main settlement. Her husband was abusive, and drank heavily, spending money on alcohol that should have been spent on food, and school costs for the children. He also abused the woman, and did not want her to associate with neighbours, or go to any community gathering. In this beautiful, volcanic landscape of shaded coffee farms and pastures, with panoramic mountain views, the family struggled alone in the ugliness of chaos and fear.
As part of their commitment, as CHE workers, to share both the practical and spiritual lessons they learned in the CHE meetings, women began to visit this woman, their neighbour. We'll call her Maria.
Maria was uncomfortable at first, but she began to respond to the warm friendship the women offered her. With gentleness and enthusiasm, they shared all they learned at their monthly meetings, and most importantly, that Jesus, the Saviour of the world, loved her.
One day, when the women visited, Maria prayed to receive Jesus into her life, and His transformation of her life, and the life of her family, began then.
The women invited their new sister to their meetings, but Maria did not feel that she could attend the meetings without her husband's knowledge and consent.
"It's time for us to meet your husband," said her CHE friends. A day and time were agreed upon, and a group of women walked to the house. Maria's husband was there with her, and the women spoke with him about his life, the needs of his family, and offered to pray with him for him to receive new life in Christ. He accepted the Lord Jesus right then and there, and God has changed his life.
Now Maria is active in CHE, her children are in school, and her husband has give up violence and alcohol. God has truly called them out of the domain of darkness, and into the kingdom of his beloved Son