Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Fatima's story - photo below

Fatima del Carmen Medina
Regional CHE leader.

Aged 29. Married, with 3 children: Guidman, 13, Wilmington, 7, Abery, 3.
Lives in El Limonal, Chinandega

I began working with CHE in 2001 through the Nehemiah Center, in Managua (www.nehemiahcenter.org). We formed a CHE committee in El Limonal, and trained other women in preventive health care, promoting good health, and the abundant life in Jesus.

Everything I have learned in CHE has helped me so much.
I have learned to connect with many people, both foreigners, and nationals. I have been to other communities to share what I have learned. I feel very happy when I see women who have learned at my trainings.